We are meeting every Sunday from 11:30am-12:30pm, with refreshments from 11:00am (with refreshments served afterwards too). We meet at Marsh Community Centre on Willow Lane.
What are our gatherings like?
Well, we like to keep things pretty informal and down to earth, and are really trying to get back to what the early church may have looked like:
- We all pray together as a community.
- We sing songs of praise & worship.
- We have teaching from the Bible.
- We have separate activities for the kids and they share what they have learnt with the adults on their return.
- We share communion together on the 2nd Sunday of each month.
- We hear testimony shared of what God has done and is doing each month.
- We hang out over refreshments together before and afterwards.
We enjoy lunch together after our gathering on the 2nd Sunday of each month which is FREE for anyone who would like to stay and join us.
We have visiting preachers and worship leaders/team usually every other month to come and speak into us and bless us.
We’re a gospel-centered worshipping community.